Professor Brian Jonathon Lipworth
BMedSci, MBChB (Hons), MRCP (UK), MD, FRCP (Edin), FRCP, FACAAI (USA)
Professor of Allergy and Respiratory Medicine, University of Dundee
Other Positions
Honorary Consultant Physician, NHS Tayside
I have clinical and research expertise in respiratory, rhinology, cardiovascular and metabolic medicine, along with my background in clinical pharmacology. I believe that this places me in a unique position in terms of my research profile, and particularly with respect to attracting funding. I have good relationships with several pharmaceutical companies and with other universities in Europe and USA. I have been a principal investigator for 15 years and I have done 15 GCP trials to date.
I have brought in funding of over £5million over the past 10 years from the pharmaceutical industry, predominantly sole applicant grants.
I am currently funding 3 clinical research fellows, 1 Clinical Trial Supervisor, 1 Nurse, 6 Technicians, 1 Lab Assistant and 1 Secretary. To date, clinical research fellows under my supervision have resulted in 14 MD theses.
Postgraduate Awards and Committees
- Scottish Thoracic Society 1987/1988: Methven Prize
- British Pharmacological Society 1991: British Association of Pharmaceutical Physicians Prize
- British Pharmacological Society 2000: SmithKline Beecham Prize
- Honorary International Fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (FACAAI) 2003 for outstanding contributions to allergy research.
- Elected member of Association of Physicians
- Current member of the MRC Advisory Board
- Current member of WHO ARIA (Allergy Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) Guidelines Committee.
- Visiting Professorship, Harvard Medical School 2008 (Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston)